Friday, February 27, 2009

Farewell Tico

Yesterday was a very sad day. Tico, our 12-year old German Shepherd, died. I can't even remember when we first noticed it, but he had a tumor on his back leg that eventually got the best of him. By the end, he was only walking on 3 legs, and the 4th leg was just a mess (for lack of a better term).

I don't even know what to say. Before yesterday, I heard about people losing pets and how upset they got, but I never understood why. Well that's because I've never lost one before. I was shocked at how much I cried...and how much I still want to cry even now just typing this. Being almost 100 lbs, Tico was a huge presence in our household, both physically and otherwise. He was Ed's dog long before I came into the picture, so to imagine one without the other is really strange. When I lived in Ohio, there were plenty of nights that Ed was working when I only had "my boys" as company (we also have another huge dog named Goliath). When we brought Edwin home from the hospital, Tico was the big brother protector trying to figure out who this little creature was making strange noises. I always felt safe with him around.

So as hard as this is for me, I can't even fathom what it's like for Ed. When you hear the phrase "a man and his dog", that's Ed & Tico for sure. Tico was the one constant in Ed's life...and I know they loved each other very much.

Speaking of love...I just have to think that God gives us dogs (and other pets) as tiny glimpses into His love for us. No matter what we do, no matter what we look like, no matter what we screw up...that love remains constant. Maybe that's why this is so hard...because a tangible daily reminder of perfect love has been taken away. Not that I can't see or feel God's love in so many other ways...this was just so sweet. Tico was so sweet...

Katie came down to our house on February 15th to take some pictures of Ed & Tico. We knew he didn't have long and wanted to capture his sweet face. So thank you Katie for taking these - we'll treasure them always.


Katie said...

I'm so sad for you guys, but we know he's up in doggy heaven running on all 4 legs :) I'm so glad I was able to take the pics for you guys...

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

This post is so bittersweet...I am crying here at my desk! I'm so sorry for your loss. Like you had been, I've never lost a pet...and I can't fathom the loss I'll feel when that happens.

A dog's love is such a precious beautiful thing. Thank God for giving us a glimpse of His unconditional love for us.

Grandma Judy said...

Please know that I realize what you are truly going through,We have had many pets Cats and Dogs 4 I think. The ones that live the longest was Our Springer Spaniel {Brandy} About 17 years old, and a cat (Lucy} about 16 years old. I never Dreamed I could cry so many tears, But you can.!!!It is like looseing some one in the family.. Well..It is family.. Remember God has a reason for everything.

Tay's Mom said...

Oh girl. I am so so sorry. I am so scared for the day that I lose one of my big boys. I lost my childhood dog when I was away at college. It broke me and was one of the reasons I started asking questions about God and Heaven (you're right - God DOES have a plan with our pets!) I agree with Katie, Tico is healthy and happy in doggy Heaven - I truly believe that! Hang in there. And when you get sad, just remember that he's watching you from above (in between bites of doggy chocolate and romps on golden sand) ;)

Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

precious 'ole tico. it's never easy to bury one you love - dog or person. there's always that void. and even now, years later, i still miss our pets. i always say that God prepared me to be a mama when he gave me my maddie dog. dogs are your furry babies...i'm praying for comfort in your grief.

BrandiB said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Tico! I know he is somewhere special in heaven feeling no pain and running having fun. My heart aches for you :-(