Friday, November 16, 2007

Not Always Easy

Every morning, I get an email from with a daily devotional. This Wednesday's devotional really hit home for me. Just the title alone says so much..."Uncomfortable Christianity." (I encourage everyone to read the actual devotional). Basically the author talks about how it's easy to settle into our comfort zones and not step out in faith everyday. I've found that I do this....even when it just comes to declaring my faith. It makes people uncomfortable, it's not easy for some people to talk about. I'm embarassed to admit that I used to think it was "uncool" to admit I believe in God. There are still certain people in my life that probably don't understand just how passionate I am about God, about His Son, although I'm trying my best to change that. I want to reflect my love of Christ not only through my words, but more importantly through my actions. But God doesn't promise that following Him will be easy.

Matthew 10:22 says "22All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. "

A lot of things have changed for me over the past year or so. By reading God's Word, I have grown much stronger in my faith. I truly feel like God has revealed His truth to me. I stand firm in my faith knowing that no matter what people throw at me, I can back it up with His Word. The way I see the world and everything in it has shifted. This has NOT been easy. But I can't focus on what others think of me...there's only one opinion I'm concerned about.

On Sunday, I'm going to be baptized as an adult. I am not great with words and I wish I could accurately express what this means to me. For the first time in my life, I have made a conscious decision to follow the Lord and I want to share that with everybody possible. Yes I've always believed in God, but this confirms a relationship with Him. This baptism is an expression of my faith, admitting my need for Christ and accepting His sacrifice for me. My desire is to walk with the Lord daily, to constantly seek His will and not my own. I am no longer afraid to tell people I am a Christian. One of my constant prayers is that all of my family and friends will one day be able to experience the same joy that He has brought to my life. Yes, it can be uncomfortable to follow Jesus Christ, but I can't imagine it any other way.


Pappy Dave said...

As people go through life, through the different stages and the different events in their lives, we all learn something about ourselves. That is what I call " The Grand A-haa" The place in which we all learn things about ourselves and others that at one time or another makes us go"well duh" you know... "Scarecrow" I know that's Katie, but you understand.
Your contious decision to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ is wonderful, even inspirational. Just remember that we don't always see in others what we would want to see, or even know if it is in fact there.
I have never not believed in you. Sometimes I question the action, but still love you. I guess all of the ramble just means that you have to find your path to Christ, but don't feel sorry for me in the way that I choose to worship, or follow, or love Jesus. My church is Christ, the way Ichoose to worship is Catholic. This is what works for me. .
I Love you Baby,

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Hey, Diana! Not really sure what to write, but want to say something...because I know how important this is to you.

I'm really happy for you, that you have found a faith path that brings you closer to God. Each person's faith path is different, and it's not always easy taking a different path from someone else. But know that I support you and your journey towards God. He loves you and so do I!

I'm with you in spirit right now as you make your conscious decision to follow the Lord.