Sunday, June 29, 2008


This has been a long weekend at the Boso household. On Saturday, Edwin developed a fever--it came out of nowhere! When he woke up from his nap a little after two, he was burning up. All he wanted to do was snuggle with mommy (not that I'm complaining about that part!) and/or lay on the couch. It was quite pitiful actually. I'm assuming this is due to teething, but I really can't be sure. He kept all of his food down, and after some Tylenol, the fever subsided. But after just a couple of hours, it was back up again. So basically, he'd be comfortable for about 3 hours, then miserable for another hour until we could give him more medicine. Ed's old roommate Dave and his sister Des came down from Ohio yesterday and spent the night at our house. Unfortunately for them, it was the first night in about 8 months that Edwin was up every hour on the hour. He was inconsolable! The same thing went on for most of today...and into tonight. Currently, he's asleep, but I'm not sure how long it's going to last. Please pray that he will get some rest tonight (and rest for mommy & daddy too). I guess if it doesn't go away, I'll have to bring him in to the doctor. Poor little baby :(


Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Poor little guy! Being sick is no fun!

Maybe he's just trying to get out of daycare tomorrow, so he can stay home with Mommy and Daddy again...

Gigi said...

I hope he is feeling better!