Monday, October 27, 2008


Please click HERE to read a very interesting article. It may make some of you angry, it may make some of you roll your eyes... What I do hope though is that it makes everyone who reads it think.

I know how I'm voting.

Here's the link again. Any thoughts?


Amber said...

I could not agree more! I must admit that as long as I've been voiting - I've been basing my decision on this topic! Some people think it's silly - but I feel like it is the most important issue! :)

Life Glimpsed: The Denglers said...

i just read the title and said - amen! God is the CREATOR of life - so HE gets to decide. and who are we to say what will and won't bring glory to God? right? right. thanks for posting that.

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Thanks for sharing the article. And just like you hoped, it did make me think. Although in the end, I came to a different conclusion. If you want to know my perspective, read my blog. ;)